
Active Learning Adobe Spark page

Active Learning

Adobe Spark Page

Adobe Spark Page enables you and your students to create media-rich, one-page websites without any technical fuss!

Spark is a cloud-based application. You do not have to download any software or install anything on your computer. You can access Spark from any computer connected to the internet using a web browser.

To use Spark, you need to register for an account. Search for 'Adobe Spark' and click Start for Free. You can sign-up online using a simple web form.

First Steps with Adobe Spark Page

Here is a video I created to support my students in using Adobe Spark Page for our course assessment. If you ignore the assessment structure of the website it will show you everything you need to get started. Enjoy!


Adobe Spark Page is brilliant for creating great-looking student resources. Here is an example resource I created to prevent Zoombombing!

Zoombombing - Don't be a victim!

We can also use Adobe Spark Page for assessment. I use Spark Page with my Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Course. Here are some examples of Student Work (displayed with permission).

Assessment Website : Eleanor

Assessment Website : Roxi

Assessment Website : Jack


Created By
Ian Upton


Created with images by Catkin - "children's shoe shoe child" • jplenio - "light bulb light idea"