9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

digital Access-full electric participation which means that the person who is using the internet has full access to social media to feel in power to do anything they feel like. This element is when people have access to all social media sites and are able to post comments about others who they may not like. This could be a good thing or bad thing because many people can take this access to far and start to cyber bullying. One example of digital Access would be when you receive a laptop you are automatically receiving access to the internet to do your homework, emails, or to create accounts.
Digital Commerce is when you are able to shop electronically and sell goods online. Many people have to know that now we are able to shop through websites such as amazon who mails you the objects or clothing you buy to your house. The default of this is that many people find ways to stream movies or videos illegally which can later cause consequences in the future because your not supposed to be doing that.

the use of technology

use of technology is important making sure you are using it in a safe way

when information is given we need to make sure we understand what we are reading or what message it is trying to deliver to readers

to be able to evaluate, interpret, and gain knowlege from information on the media provided to us

Created By
Sonia Gamez

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