Navigating High School for the Visual/Spatial Learner

What is a visual/spatial learner?

Here are some strategies and techniques that can help you navigate high school!

Most, if not all visual spatial learners are accused of being hopelessly unorganized. - Alexander Shires Golon

Find the type of organizational strategies that work for you!

Consider taking notes in pictures!

Communicate with your teacher about your preferred Note-taking style.

Use graphic organizers, webs, tables, etc. when pre-writing, brainstorming, studying & note-taking.

When a person has a strong right hemisphere, which VSLs do, he or she intuitively understands, or can quickly learn, how to operate computers.-Alexandra Shires Golon

Use technology wherever possible to show off your learning and skills. Ask your LMC teacher for new ideas about different apps and new programs you might use!

Finally, study smarter, not harder!

Use free apps to help you study! Timed games will help you prep for timed tests.

Free apps like Quizlet, Evernote, Study Blue, Flashcards+, and Khan Academy are invaluable tools to help you study on the go!

Use mnemonic devices, music, acronyms, visualization, and metaphors to study new materials.

Whatever you do, communicate with your teachers about your preferred learning style. They are there to help you learn!


Created with images by Poison_Ivy - "painting school color"

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