Stock Identification Page Jessenia ramirez

What is a stock? What are its applications?

A stock is flavorful liquid made by gently simmering bones and or vegetables. It is a method of making soups and sauces. Stocks include a major flavoring ingredient, a liquid (water), mirepoix, and aromatics.

  • White Stock: A clear, pale liquid made by simmering poultry, beef, or fish bones
  • Brown Stock: This is an amber liquid made by simmering poultry, beef, veal, or game bones that have been browned before.
  • Fumet: Very similar to fish stock, this is highly flavored stock made with fish bones
  • Court Bouillon: This is an aromatic vegetable broth used for poaching fish or vegetables.
  • Glace: sometimes referred to as ¨glaze¨, this is a reduced stock with a jelly-like consistency, made from brown stock, chicken stock, or fish stock.
  • Remouillage: This is a weak stock made from bones that have already been used in another preparation, sometimes used to replace water as liquid used in a stock; french work for ´rewetting´.
  • Bouillon: This is a liquid that results from simmering meats or vegetables, also referred to as broth.
  • Jus: this is a rich, lightly reduced stock used as a sauce for roasted meats.
  • Vegetable Stock: This is usually made from mirepoix, leeks, and turnips. tomatoes, garlic, and seasoning may also be added to flavor or darken the stock, but tomatoes must be strained with a cheesecloth or filter so that no seeds or skins get into the stock

Do you think that stocks are an important part of cooking? Why?

Yes, because they're a like "universal" thing. You can make anything that starts off as a stock. Sauces, soups, and much more start off with a stock.

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