Twitter Essential Skills for real estate

Twitter is a valuable tool for the real estate broker. It’s the SMS (short message service) of the internet. Not only is it a powerful research tool, but a great medium to market your services and listings, create meaningful local relationships, and to build your brand awareness. In this 3 clock hour class we’ll explore the best practices of using this unique social platform to connect with your local community and how to create spheres of awareness for future business referrals.

What’s important to the real estate broker is the fact that Twitter is one of the most popular platforms now adopted by local businesses, government (city, county, state, and federal) and our local nonprofits, charities, schools, and sports teams to get their word out to the community. Twitter is also monitored 24/7/365 by local television and radio outlets to capture and publish the latest breaking news stories.

  • Course objectives
  • Learn how Twitter impacted the way the world communicates.
  • Understand how local businesses use Twitter and the opportunities that creates.
  • How to identify your audience and to create followers to grow your sphere.
  • Who to follow and why to create public engagement of mutual value.
  • What to tweet including the use of hashtags, photos, and video.
  • How to create and use Lists to focus attention on specific groups and conversations.
  • Create and implement a hashtag strategy that’s relevant to real estate.
  • How to use Twitter to grow your digital footprint in the Google search engine index.
  • How to use outside Twitter Tools like TweetDeck and
Marketing Technology instructor René Fabre, First American Title School of Real Estate - Washington

If you’ve been in real estate for very long you can appreciate the fact that referrals are the lifeblood of any successful career. Remember, everyone lives somewhere and as you discover who’s behind the local tweets you’ll learn more about them and their neighborhoods.

Twitter: Essential Skills for Real Estate is a State of Washington certified 3 clock hour class. The cost is $30.00 and if you'd like to attend please RSVP at...


René Fabre

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