Storytelling Through theatre

Theatre is an important aspect to student life on all college campuses and should be promoted more.

Liberty University tends to promote every club/activity except for theatre.

Theatre is not only a showcase of talent but also a storytelling tool. All students should expand their knowledge and learn through theatre. There have been productions recently, such as the musical: Hamilton, that have had such a positive learning effect on audiences. If these productions have this effect on audiences from all over the world, then it definitely can on college students.

Theatre is eligible to have a tremendous impact on students; therefore it needs to be promoted throughout Liberty University more frequently.


Created with images by Steve Snodgrass - "Smile & Frown" • taberandrew - "Liberty University" • skeeze - "ballet production performance" • inUse Experience - "Audience" • slgckgc - "In The Room Where It Happens" • familymwr - "Rehearsal photos"

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