
中国在北极的推进中混合着军事与科学——丹麦 【翻译】

29 Nov 2019 2019 年11月29日

China mixing military and science in Arctic push – Denmark


COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - China’s military is increasingly using scientific research in the Arctic as a way into the region, a Danish intelligence service said on Friday, as it warned of intensifying geopolitical rivalry in the Earth’s freezing North.



Disputes in the Arctic over global warming and access to minerals broke into the open in May when U.S. Secretary Mike Pompeo accused Russia of aggressive behaviour in the polar region and said China’s actions must be watched closely.

今年5月,美国国务卿蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)指责俄罗斯在北极地区的侵略行为,并表示必须密切关注中国的行动,北极地区有关全球变暖和获取矿产的争端由此公开化。

“A great power play is shaping up between Russia, the United States and China, which is increasing the level of tension in the (Arctic) region,” the Defence Intelligence Service said in its annual risk assessment report.


China, which defines itself as a ‘near-Arctic state’, has an ambition to gain greater access to untapped resources and faster trade through the Northern Sea Route.


In 2017, Beijing included Arctic sea routes in its so-called Belt and Road Initiative, which seeks to strengthen China’s ties to the rest of the world through infrastructure projects and research.


China has in recent years invested heavily in Arctic research. But Danish Defence Intelligence Service chief Lars Findsen said on Friday that Chinese research expeditions in the Arctic are not just a matter of science but serve a “dual purpose.”

近年来,中国在北极研究方面投入了大量资金。但丹麦国防情报局局长拉尔斯·芬德森(Lars Findsen)上周五表示,中国在北极的研究探险不仅是科学问题,而是具有“双重目的”。

“We have looked at Chinese research activities in the Arctic, and see that the Chinese military is showing an increasing interest in being part of that,” he said.


Findsen declined to name specific research expeditions involving the Chinese military, but said examples in recent years signalled a “new development”.


“It is likely that a part of China’s build-up of knowledge about the Arctic and capacity to operate in the Arctic will take place in a collaboration between civilian and military actors,” the report said.


Denmark has made it a priority to maintain the Arctic as an area of international cooperation and resolve any potential issues through political negotiations between countries with Arctic territory. Greenland, a vast island straddling the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans, is a self-ruling part of Denmark.


But Denmark’s goal has become harder to achieve as Russia in particular is strengthening its military capabilities there, the intelligence report said.


“This is an essential driving force for several other Arctic coastal states starting to strengthen their (own) regional military capabilities,” it said.


The report also said a new U.S. Arctic strategy published in June this year combined with public comments from high level government and defence officials, have also contributed to heightened tension in the region.


Increased U.S. interest in the Arctic became apparent in August when President Donald Trump suggested buying Greenland from Denmark, an idea quickly dismissed by the Danish and regional Greenland governments.

今年8月,美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)建议从丹麦购买格陵兰岛,这一想法很快被丹麦和格陵兰地区政府 驳回,美国对北极的兴趣明显增强。

Reporting by Nikolaj Skydsgaard and Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen; additional reporting by Stine Jacobsen; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Gareth Jones

Nikolaj Skydsgaard and Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen报道;Stine Jacobsen补充报道;Mark Heinrich and Gareth Jones编辑


