Save Room For You To Grow Growth and experiences with Art

For our first class project we created colorwheels. These pictures above are colorwheels. Those pictures are not owned by me but by otheres. These photos were found of the internet. Thge color wheel I created had different designs around the colorwheel. I liked the way it had turned out because of course it was colorful and bright. I felt like my proejct came out very nice. Something I could had improved on would be the coloring in the lines.
I chose to do this project because I wanted to do something different. I seen a couple of different art pieces on the internet which inspired me. I created a person with an afro with hurtful words. I also made the person with rainbow colors. I wanted to show a black person and the LGBT communtity and also a normal persons life all in one. I chose to use the words that are in the afro because those hurtful words are used against the LGBT communtity. For this project I used acrylic paints. I used different sized brushes to make my words with. I wanted to make my picture have more texture to it.
I chose to do this picture becuase I wanted to do something other than painting. So therefore, I did a piece that I was inspired by online. I wanted to do something african so I drew this beautiful woman. I wanted to work on shading and I think I suceeded with my goals. With this project that I did I Wanted to focus on the drawing itself, but I did add a little color to the earrings that the woman is wearing for a little pop. I learned how to shade better after doing this project. Something I think I could improve on the womans hairline. I think i could had blended it a little more.
For this project I wanted to do something other than drawing so I tried something I never did before. I wanted to make a bathing suit bottom. I crocheted for the first time. I liked the way my project came out. To me the project took a long time. Crocheting is something you need to have patience with. Something that I could have improved would be the size of the waist. I wish I would had knew that the material wasn't going to stretch out. I do love the way it came out.

For this school year I learned a lot in my art class. I experience things I haven't experience before. This year I can tell that my art skills grew since the last year. I remember when I took longer to do project, now I can work ton them really fast. I also grew by learning new techniques like shading and coloring. I realized that Practice does make perfect!

Through my projects that I've created this year I learned that I have a connection with "strength". I say this because the paintings and drawings that I've created has represented strength along the way of life. I believe you can find strength in anything.

A learned that making art takes time and patience. You can not rush things into play. I also learned that the simpliest things are beautiful. Beauty can come from a mass mural of beauful people to just a splash of red paint and a spot.

This I my favorite peice that I've created this year. I chose this peice because it shows beauty and strength and one. Thats how I defined that "Black Women" in my eyes.

This year I learned and grew to being more focused on my work. As a artist I need to stay focused so my projects can come out like I want it to be. Also I learned to stay focused because time is key. If there is not project to hand it then..... no grade for me! Staying focused is key. Creativity is something I want to focus on. By saying this I want to have a more open mind so I did not end up creating pieces that are similar to each other.

I want to try spray painting next. spray painters to me have awesome talent. Everything fits between the lines and still has no boundaries.

A Question you might ask "What kind of Art inspires you the most and why?" Art is everywhere. All different types of Art inspires me. Either its dance, music, paintings, stautes etc. Art can be anything and it has no limits. I love them and they all inspire me to be the greatess.

Image From ¨Adobe Spark¨
Created with images by amurca - "man artist street" • kckellner - "Color Wheel Quilt" • Eric Fischer - "Color Chart (1920)" • libraryrachel - "IMG_1164" • A National Acrobat - "KK's umbrella is quite a handsome fella." • HZimage - "strong" • RLJ Photography NYC - "A Child On A Fall Day Wonders When Will Spring Arrive" • schaerfsystem - "graffiti wall painting spray" • skeeze - "frank lloyd wright american architect interior designer"

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