Friendship Disasters By Kiley O'Brien

During Christmas vacation in 2014, my family decided to take a trip to a friend’s house. They don’t live too far away from us, so we decided to that we would spend quite a while there. When we first got there, we had pizza for dinner and watched a movie until we got bored. My friend, Hannah, and I decided to go to her room and leave our brother’s alone to play whatever they wanted on the Wii. For an hour, we watched YouTube and looked through Instagram.

Around 10 pm, my friend had to use the bathroom so I decided to go see what my brother was doing. My brother was either on his phone, playing the Wii, or was passed out on the brown couch. When I first went down stairs, he seemed pretty quiet, so I assumed they had fallen asleep with the tv on. When I turned the corner, to my surprise, they were both still awake, barely, and playing Mario Cart on the Wii. Hannah then appeared around the corner, begging me to come back upstairs with her. To be honest, I was tired of watching Youtube and looking at Instagram, but I just told her that our parents were being too loud. By 11 pm, I started to doze off while everyone was wide awake after the cupcakes we had for dessert. I was almost completely asleep until my brother and his friend started to disagree about the rules of an Indiana Jones lego game for the Wii. Hannah and I decided not step in to see if they could try to work it out on their own. The problem only got worse, my brother and his friend were raising their voice at each other, and Hannah and I decided to have them step away from one another.

My brother’s friend then ran up to him, punched him on the shoulder, and made some nasty comments. He stated that my brother was the dumbest person he had ever met, he was a just a little kid and didn’t know anything, and that he should never have been born. My brother ran into my arms, balling his eyes out and Hannah was dumbfounded that her brother would say anything like that to my brother, even though she never really cared for him. At this point, I was pretty much about to lose it, but I realized that I should try to explain or rationalize things with him first.

I decided that I would be better to approach his friend with calm voice rather than to scream in his face. I tried to tell him that he and my brother were about the same age meaning that he wasn’t any smarter than my brother. He really didn’t care what I said. He then tried to punch me in the face, which I threatened to pin him to the ground if he tried it again. We heard the adults begin to quiet down as to listen to what we were talking about. He must have realized that the adults never actually heard what we talked about because he ran upstairs to tell them about what happened. It turns out he told a lie and made it seem as though me and my brother were the ones that hurt his feelings. When my parents came downstairs, they noticed that my brother was still extremely upset, which was pretty much all the evidence they needed to be able to tell who was telling the truth. Once Hannah and I told my parents exactly what happened, they believed us without a doubt. Around midnight my parents decided that it was time to leave, and when my brother tried to see if his friend would apologize for what he said and did, he never did. Only 7 months later did my parents decide that it would benefit our family by not talking to those people any more. To this day, my parents haven’t spoken them since then, sometimes I talk to my old friend, and my brother still wishes that his friend would talk to him and apologize.

Now a days, if my brother has a bad day or one of his friends was rude to him, I am always ready to fight for him. I never want anyone to take advantage of my brothers kind heart and I never want anyone, especially his friends, to be rude to him ever again. I know that I can’t protect my brother forever, but I know that one day, my brother will realize what people are his true friends, who would never take advantage of him, and would never intentionally hurt him in any way.

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