Week 1 Venice

This week, we mostly researched about Venice and tried to get an overall understanding of it. Bobby researched on Venice’s history and architecture, Josh learned mostly about Venice’s geography, Melissa researched about Venice’s government and politics, and Grace researched on Venice’s famous art/artists. We found the databases the most helpful for research. We created our website earlier in the week, but didn't have anything to put on it yet. We also got our topics approved, and decided that Melissa’s topic is about Venice’s government, Josh’s topic is the geography of Venice, Bobby’s topic is famous architecture, and Grace’s topic is famous artists and their art. By the end of the week, we started to talk about the creative piece and brainstorm what to do for it. We all agreed that we should either make a famous building made during the Renaissance in Venice or a 3D model of Venice with famous buildings or landmarks on it. Overall, we got a lot of research and brainstorming done this week.

Photos of what we did this week

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