Sacred Places and Spaces at kincoppal-rose bay

Kincoppal-Rose Bay is a school that is a Sacred place in itself. It holds sites and objects monumental to the Catholic faith. It allows us to mentally and spiritually exercise our faith and acknowledge the value of the school's rich heritage. These sites are a celebration of our lives and journeys and the lives and journeys of those who have passed on from their life at our school, and the privilege of being educated in a Sacred Heart school, being able to grow closer to God.

Kincoppal-Rose Bay School, 1930s

Sacredness is the state of an object, place, symbol or figure in which one or a group of people values very deeply, and may have a relation to a faith or practice, in which it is a place of worship or a figure for worship, such as Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church, Confucius in Chinese practice or Buddha for Buddhists. It could be a Church or temple, mosque or synagogue- all examples of places where one goes to worship in their community or alone. It can also simply be something that is held precious such as a symbol of important meaning to a group of people, such as “The Sacred Heart of Jesus”; a hymn or text such as the Bible in the Catholic Church or Songline in Aboriginal culture. We asked some religious members of our school of their idea of the concept of "sacredness".


Photographs collected from Kincoppal-Rose Bay's Archives

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