Mars Mission Plan By Damian perez


My Mars mission will launch in Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in the summer 2017. The goal of the mission is to colonize on mars. It will take around six month to get to mars. We sent food shelter and a lot of other supplies.

Crew selection

hris degree in engineering, ms lee degree in medicine, Damian degree in mineralogy, victor degree in mechanical engineer they need to be able to work under pressure, adaptability, maintaining control the need a bachelors degree

space travel

im using the falcon 9 dragon spaceship use layers of foam to protect them from asteroids. and work out equipment to work your bones out. and food that will last up to 8 years

living on mars

there will be a little colony with little houses where we can sleep a green house and storage. the building will be sealed tight when you get in and have unlimited oxygen so you can wear normal clothes in them.


Created with images by upsidedown astronomer - "Mars from last night" • PIRO4D - "astronaut isolated nasa"

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