The Øresund Bridge By: Braeden Rhodes and Cameron Entezarian

The Øresund bridge, also known as the "Øresundbroen" is located in Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmö, Sweden.

It crosses the Øresund strait.

Øresund Strait

This bridge was built on the first of December, 1999. The bridge was open to the public June 9th - June 12th, 2000 and it was inaugurated on July 1st, 2000, it had taken 7 years to finish building.

The pontoon crane Svanen places the last bridge section on the 14th of August, 1999.

Created by companies: Hotchief, Skanska, Hojgaarr & Schultz and Monberg & Thorsen.

The Øresundbroen is a cable-stayed bridge.

5 Interesting Facts:

-The Øresundbroen is the longest combined combined road and rail bridge in Europe.

Since 2000 a total of more than 12000 vehicles and 50 thousand people cross it daily or it is approximately 4.5 million vehicles and 19 million people yearly!

The Øresund Bridge was constructed to show to the rest of Europe what two small countries could achieve in collaboration. The construction was imagined as an economical, cultural, and mental bridge across the region!

The artificial island Peberholm was created to enable turning a part of the bridge into a 4 kilometer long underwater tunnel that would enable the passage to stay open at one part, not disabiling any possible oversized ships to pass.

This is a birds eye view of Peberholm.
These are all pictures taken inside of the tunnel.

The Øresundbroen has a length of about 8 km (7845 meters or 4,9 miles).



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