Ethan Feldman Portfolio

This is a surreal picture that is suppose to show the damage of pollution which is shown as the fog. There is trash in the ocean and a kid swimming in it next to a giant octopuss. The ufo is just an extra because thought it looked cool. I wanted the mountain to be alive, and the crown to represent the mountain as being the king of nature and the small town that sits in front of it.
X-MEN comic book coloring done on photoshop. I used a lot of the burn and dodge tool to create the shadows and highlights, because it makes the characters and objects around them pop out more than a solid color would.
Painting of my dog Harley. It is meant to look like an unfinished painting and show blank parts of the canvas.
This is a drawing of Homer Simpson that I traced over and then added color to with the live paint bucket on adobe illustrator.
I drew this on adobe illustrator. I don't know what it is, but it looks like the sloth from the goonies .
Another cartoon character grrrr traced on adobe illustrator then colored with live paint bucket.

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