
Family History Field Trips By The Genealogy Kids

Maybe your kids' school field trips never have much to do with family history. Don't let that stop you from taking your own! Here are a few family field trips we've been on ... very educational, and very good for connecting with our family's past:

  • Visiting cemeteries where our ancestors are buried
  • Driving around ancestral towns looking for our ancestors' homes, schools, churches, etc.
  • Visiting local history museums
  • Visiting important places from our own family's past (Mom & Dad's first home, the place they were married, a park we used to play at as little kids, etc.)
  • Visit a FamilySearch Discovery Center or Family History Center

And if you want to visit amazing family history locations without leaving home, don't forget that you can visit many places via Google Earth & Google Maps. Check out this post about that kind of field trip:


Created with an image by Roselie - "school bus america yellow"