What I Learn in Art Class is..... By: Tasheba Francis

I learned that drawing is a lot easier when you use tutorial. We as a class created color wheels and made them protray different things depending on the person, but I didn't count mine as a major project. When I started this school I wasn't aware of my own ability.
For my first project, I drew and colored a rose that express my emotions in the pass few years without me even noticing. The color purple represents gloomy and melancholy nature. Too much red expressed angry, too little blue expressed depression, and black didn't really mean anything bad like death and elegance isn't difficult things to cope with for some people.
I was able to draw Kakashi Hatake from Naruto and was proud of the results.I'm proud of this one because Kakashi is my favorite character on Naruto since I've seen the show for the first and I was able to draw him. The whole project Serenity and I made came out pretty cool as well. I tried hard to draw in the same style as Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, as best as I can.
This year was I fun I learned a lot about my own abilities and different art styles. I hope I can have art again next year and see what else I can acheive.
I always wanted to paint something, but never got around to it. Plus I wasn't sure if what was going to create maybe something related to flowers. Abstract would be cool like the one in the background.
What Inspires me most is a the things I love the most like music, my family, and the people I enjoy to be around. The that I create usually is involed with something I enjoyed like drawing Kakashi because as I explain before he's my favorite character in the series.
The End or is it only the beginning???
I own the drawings of Kakashi Hatake and the full project, all the rose pictures are from google.

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