Anne Bradstreet Gabriela Rome block 7


On March 20th 1612 Anne Bradstreet was born in Northampton UK. Her father Thomas Dockley and her mother Dorothy Yorke. She didn't attend any schools she received an excellent education from her father. She read a lot at the library books when she was younger.

Later on

She was not happy to exchange the comfort of the aristocrat life of the Earl's mothers house for the privation of the New England Wilderness.

Anne and her husband Simon

She married at the age of 16 to Simon Bradstreet They had 8 children, Samuel- first child, Dorothy, Sarah, Simon, Hannah, Mercy, Dudley, and John. All where born 2 or 3 years apart from each other. Simon and her parents immigrated to America. They reached American on June 14th 1630. Anne was the first women to be recognized as an accomplished New World Poet. Her volume of Poetry "The Tenth Muse" lately sprung up in America received considerable favorable attention when it was her first published in London in 1650.

Anne and her family

The Bradstreet and Dudley's shared a house in Salem for many months and lived in a spartan lifestyle. Thomas complained that there was not even a table on which to eat or work at. The situation was tense as well as uncomfortable, and Anne and her family moved several times in an effect to improve their worldly estate. It went from Salem to Charles Town to New Town( Cambridge) to Ipswich and finally Andover in 1645.

Some quotes that Anne Wrote

"If we had no winter the spring would not be so pleased, if he did not sometimes taste or adversity, prosperity would not be so welcomed."

"If ever two were one, then surly we, if ever man were loved by wife than thee."

"Youth is the time of getting, middle age of improving, and old age of spending."

She wrote poetry in which expressed her commitment to the craft of writing. Her work reflects the religious and emotional conflicts she experienced as a women writer and as a puritan. She had difficult times resolving the conflict.

Throughout Anne life

1612: Anne was born in Northampton, UK

1650: Her poetry was published in London with the name " The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in times by a Gentle Women from Those parts."

1666: Their North Andover family home was burned down in a fire


1672: Anne Bradstreet died on September 16th in Andover, MA at age 60


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