5 Things to Know About Color Guard! By: Marissa Studer

1. Stretch- Always stretch or you will feel stiff, sore and everything will hurt. Stretching is important because we need to be flexible. This may sound odd but we stretch our feet as well because yes you need flexible feet.


2. Drink WATER- Always drink a lot of water. Even if you don't have practice or anything like that still drink water. Also you can never drink too much water. If you think you've had enough water your wrong.


3. NEVER MISS REHEARSAL- Never miss a practice or a rehearsal! If you miss any amount of practice time you will be very lost about what is happening. If you miss a whole day of practice you could miss learning choreography for as much as half of a production.

Always be at practice

4. Check everything before a competition- Always make sure you have every part of your costume, all equipment and anything else you need before you load the bus for a competition. Finding out you are missing something before you preform is stressful and can effect how your performance will run.


5. Make New FRIENDS!- Color guard is a great activity to do and it is a lot of hard work and dedication but in the end you make so many great friends who ultimately become your family. Yes we have our ups and our downs but what family doesn't.

Friends are Family


Created with images by Pexels - "adult dawn exercise" • GSquare - "thirst water bottle hydrate" • Niky_filipova - "alarm clock black and white reflection" • martinak15 - "316/365 Color Guard" • D-Stanley - "Girls of Ushuaia"

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