Mark Cuban Sid Boelens Period 2

Mark Cuban was born on July 31, 1958, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Norton and Shirley Cuban. His father worked as a automobile upholster and his mother worked as a homemaker. Norton and Shirley had had two brothers in which he fell in between them in age. His older brother, Brian Cuban, works as a lawyer and activist and his younger brother, Jeff Cuban, works as an executive vice president of HDNet. Mark Cuban got married on September 21, 2002, in the Barbados to Tiffany Stewart. Mark and Tiffany have three children: Alexis, Alyssa, and Jake.

Mark Cuban Attended Mount Lebanon High School in Pennsylvania and he started taking classes at the University of Pittsburgh during his junior year in high school. Cuban decided to skip his senior year of high school and enroll full time in college. After his freshman year at the University to Pittsburgh, Cuban transferred to Indiana University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

After graduation, Cuban moved to Dallas, Texas, where he first worked as a bartender and than a salesperson for "Your Business Software." Cuban was fired within a year because he met with one of his clients to talk about new business, rather than opening the store. Cuban started his own business, Micro Solutions, with the support of his previous customers from Your Business Software. Cuban's previous experience helped him with the knowledge and skills he needed to start his own business. In 1990, he sold his company to CompuServe in a multi million deal. Mark Cuban invested his wealth in the NBA team Dallas Mavericks after he saw them suffering from poor management. He took over the team and immediately tried to boost their spirits of the players so they could perform well.

Mark Cuban got fired from Your Business Software, within one year of working because he wanted something more than working under someone. Mark Cuban gained the support from his former clients and Cuban took the knowledge and skills he learned with him to start his own company. Cuban worked as a PC consultant, he sold software, trained, and configured computers. Mark Cuban used the entrepreneurial strategy of "improving a product or process" because he improved upon Your Business Software by taking his skills with him along with other people that wanted to quit and help Mark in a new direction.


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