Theseus and the Minotaur Ava morales

Every one in Ancient Greece were arguing
Theseus defeated the Minotaur and headed home with all 13 other people including Ariadne.
Theseus and the Minotaur met eatch other and started to fight
Kings monas is an example of a moinarchey
Nobody asked him about his dad because nobody knew who he was
theseus dident even know who his dad was
Theseus ended up winning
He also won over the atgument over cites and states
after theseus won the argument and the battle
He found a pretty ladie in his world
After he died, his repution was dirt for a whole generation. Only later people forgot about all the bad things he have done and started concentrating on the heroic dreds of his youth.


Created with images by Fæ - "Aethra Showing her Son Theseus the Place Where his Father had Hidden his Arms LACMA M.2000.179.21" • History Maps - "Greece - Theseus Facing the Minotaur" • dullhunk - "Theseus and the Minotaur" • History Maps - "Greece - Theseus Kills the Minotaur 2" • sneakerdog - "TheseusMinotaur" • Tilemahos Efthimiadis - "Torsos of two statues" • History Maps - "Greece - Theseus Kills the Minotaur" • nordique - "Lakes Wenatchee, Theseus, Minotaur" • virtusincertus - "Minotaur mosaic" • George M. Groutas - "Ψηφιδωτά της Πάφου" • History Maps - "Greece - Theseus Facing the Minotaur" • George M. Groutas - "Ψηφιδωτά της Πάφου"

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