What is the Good Life By Vishal jhagru

When I first entered the theatre, I was actually amazed at how big and spacious it was. The very fact that the place was so big and there were so many people there enhanced my experience of the play. The place where I sat in the theatre was near the center: the middle row and column. This is my ideal spot for any theatre-going experience as it is not too near the front so that I constantly have to look up at the stage, nor is it too far back such that I have trouble seeing what is happening on stage. I feel that the role of place makes a somewhat significant impact on the Good Life as your environment does determine many factors that contribute to your experience of life.

I did not do much to get ready for the play, nor did I attend the play with any of my friends. I think that if I did have friends to sit with, my experience would have been a bit better. I think that shared experiences have a significant impact on the Good Life. I don't believe anyone is meant to be alone for their entire life. I think that having some really close friends with whom we can share experiences with is one of the things that makes life worth living.

One of the central issues presented in the play was about culture and religion's influence on the arts and humanities. I didn't know much about the play before I went to see it, so I had no idea what to expect. The performance did make me think about how culture was different so long ago compared to our modern culture today, but it didn't make me change any of my personal views on life.

The play provides an opportunity for catharsis through its topics that are difficult to talk about, specifically of cultural and religious influence on theatre. The play constantly talks about how their radical ideas can lead to bad things happening and actually furthers us from humanity. It allows the audience to come clean and realize what it really means to be human.


Created with images by esdomingos - "stage theatre of" • pellesten - "Spatial design" • Uray_Zulfikar - "My Happy Friends except One" • 3888952 - "retro vintage istanbul" • jeonsango - "cherry blossom sakura flowers"

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