Christmas Eats Good food from trending european artisans

It's the most wonderful time of the year, a time of gathering and celebration, a time to share memories and hopes for the new year. Food is the universal connector of people and amazingly enough it doesn't take a lot to create the right spirit, it just takes the right ingredients.

We specialize in bringing to you the creations of carefully selected food artisans from Greece, Croatia, Italy and France. They are young, enthusiast and creative and they want to conquer the world. Famous upscale European grocery stores such as Eataly, Fauchon or Le Bon Marché have discovered them and they are creating the buzz.

With them, we have stories to tell, recipes and suggestions for great dinners and parties. Enjoy the ride through the snowy Old World and shop with Savors Of Europe.

curated selections ideal for gifts

Looking for a gift for a foodie ? Or in search of new tastes for the holiday parties ? Don't look further, we have curated selections of 5 to 10 products that will please and surprise the most exigents. And for the holiday season, they come with a 30% discount.

If you're more adventurous, spend more time in our company and choose your treats. For the holiday season, not only do you enjoy Free shipping over $35 but also 20% savings with the code HOLIDAY-SOE at store checkout. Check out our magazine for recipes, stories and ideas.



for Cheese

Olive Oil

Vinegar & Condiments


rice & risotto


Adriatic Sea Salt

bakery & CHOCOLATE

Jams and Spreads

RAW Honey

gourmet collections

This Christmas, 5 thematic selections make you tour France, Italy, Greece and Croatia. For cooks and foodies alike and these make wonderful gifts.

Truffle Experience $99
Everything For Foodies $59
From Greece $41
Crêpes Party $55
Pasta Only $35


Created By
Savors Of Europe


Created with images by kaboompics - "christmas xmas table"

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