Coach V's ideal cottage By alfie fielding

To begin this project i took much inspiration of the cottages I have already been in. Then I looked at Mr.Ferguson's draft and took some hints from him. After all these steps I planned out my work with the dimensions of my cottage being ( 14m by 7m ). I planned it out in a birds I view and after this on the same page a front view of the house with a side view.

The "Birds eye" View of the cottage
The view of the side of the cottage and the view of the front

When I finished my blueprint of my cottage. Using Tinkercad I made a cottage with windows and with the whole building to scale.

Here are is the view my cottage in showing all its perspective. These perspectives were then used to calculate the cost of the building with its surface area and volume.

Birds eye View
Front view

This property does cost money and that is exactly what we tried to find out. How much does this cottage cost. To find the calculation of the paint, shillings and heating we must find the surface area of the roof and all the sides with the volume of the whole house.

In the end, Mr. V would need to pay a total of 1081.5 euros. This includes 60 euros for the Celestial Blue exterior paint, 360 euros for a new roof, and 661.5 euros to pay for 3 months of heating. I believe that this is an affordable price to pay for a cottage.

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