Dyreial's Book Review (mONEY hUNGRy SHARON G flakes)

What is Money Hungry

Money Hungry is a fiction story about a thirteen year old girl on a mission to make money; so that she does not have to relive the past. She is willing to do anything to legal to get a quick dollar.

Money hungry theme to me ; MONEY CAN NOT BUY HAPPINESS


Author; Sharon Flakes Genre; Fiction Main Character; Raspberry Hill Awards won;Coretta Scott King Author Honor Book, 2002.

review by me

“Money Hungry” by Sharon G. Flake is a novel about a girl named Raspberry who lives in the projects with her mother. Raspberry is addicted to making money because she does not want to live on the streets again, and sells items at school or cleans houses for some extra cash. She also finds out that her mother is dating her best friend’s father, who happens to be a doctor. Things take a turn for the worse when there is a break it at their apartment, forcing them to have to live on the streets, and Raspberry wonders if things will ever work out. The strongest aspect of this book is the character of Raspberry. The novel is told in first person, so we can clearly hear Raspberry’s voice through her thoughts and dialogue. The most prominent trait of her character is her “money hungry” ways. The reason for this is to stay off the streets, but also, “…if you got money, people can’t take stuff from you – not your house, or your ride, not your family” (25). Through Raspberry, we also see her perspective on her friends. Jan’ae has issues with her mother being absent in her life, Mai is ashamed of her mixed race, and Zora is still coping with her parents’ divorce. The characterization in this novel is excellent, because the reader understood each character’s problem and how they felt towards it. As a writer, this novel helped me improve my dialogue. The voice of each character is very truthful and realistic, which is extremely important in a novel.


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