How the Epiphany is Celebrated in Other Countries? Riley WateRs// 1-13-17

The Epiphany is very important and is often overshadowed by Christmas because it is so close to the special holiday. It is a feast celebrating God becoming flesh in Jesus Christ and showing that Jesus was God. Jesus was and still is a King to us and when the Three Wise Men brought him gifts, it portrayed this idea.

The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated not only in America, but also in many other places like Latin America. This day is very important to Latin Americans and is almost celebrated more than Christmas. On this day, there are huge parades with puppets and costumes of the Three Kings. There is music playing and people dancing. In the country of Spain, they have a lot of different traditions for this holiday.

One big tradition in Spain is the "Rosca de Reyes" or the Wreath of the Kings. This is a big, ring-like cake that is shaped like a wreath or a crown. It has lots of dried fruits on top and has a small figurine of baby Jesus hidden in the cake. This symbolizes Jesus being hidden from King Herod. Whoever gets a slice that has the figurine in it has to host a party on the Día de la Candelaria.

In many Latin American countries, including Spain, they celebrate this holiday very closely to how Christmas is celebrated. For example, children will leave grass and water out for the camels on the night of January 5th and expect gifts from the three kings the next morning. This is very similar to the tradition of Santa Claus celebrated on Christmas when children leave carrots out for the reindeer and cookies and milk for Santa and then expect gifts from Santa Claus.

“Meaning of Epiphany”( and “What Is 'Día De Los Reyes'? 6 Facts About Three Wise Men Day In Latin America” (

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