Chelsea J My story

Singing is my greatest passion. Every day when i'm feeling sick upset or angry I like to sing. It always feels relaxing and enjoyable. My Favourite artists I like are Alicia keys, Rihhana, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez and much is a picture of myself singing.

My most favourite holiday destination is DISNEY land. Why, because I enjoyed going on different rides andes spending time with my family .

My favourite colour is pink. When you walk into my bedroom all you see is pink pink pink.

This is me when I was in hospital diagnosed with leukemia. This is a picture of me nearly there to be fully recovered. You can see this because my smile and happiness is coming back.

This Is some of my family and friends that were at my christening.

This is my cousins, aunts, uncles and my GRANDPARENTs and my family.


Created with images by stux - "rose composites flowers"

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