Bonn Green Corridor Bryce Wood, Patrick Kerns, Rebecca Waravdekar

The site is a 3.94 Kilometer long tract of land starting from Bonn’s more central areas expanding outward. Our goal for the project is to help to draw people out from the inner city into the more suburban areas that are located between the city center and the Green ‘C’. These sections of the city have been segmented by the train tracks that bisects the study area combined with minimal pedestrian pathways for easy movement between the areas.


Our vision for the site has had us identify spots within the study area that are being underutilized: vacant lots, brownfields and vacant areas in order to take these identified sections and redevelop them into a thriving green corridor that mirror the needs of the community and takes the surrounding context into consideration. We took inspiration from various sites we have visited during this semester, such as Duesseldorf, Paris, and Copenhagen; that have similar site conditions to that of Bonn, or design elements we wish to include in order to achieve our vision.


Visibility and signage from streets that allow users to immediately realize the location of the green space. An easy and well thought out method of transportation from streets to designed green spaces with paths that encourage users to find the green space from street vantage points.

Entrances should be inviting, whether through unique features or simple designs that encourage users to fully experience the place. The entrances to green spaces should be easily accessible along with being visible. Entrances are the portals to places, a strong entrance creates a lasting impression that will help to determine how a space is used and perceived

By designing a continuous green space that helps to transverse the build spaces within the city we will connect the segmented lots that occur within the 3.94 kilometer study area. The Green Corridor will be built with the user in mind and designed in a way that encourages daily use: an area which invites people within. It will be a space that includes multi-use green spaces, parks, open spaces, bicycle trails, pedestrian paths, benches, and areas for leisure that strives to promote the principles of sustainability.

Making use of unique historical assets: historical industrial elements, old factories, abandoned buildings that can be repurposed, rail cars, and railroad tracks when considering the specifics of our site. Evaluating what is already on a site and maximizing the utility of an area through the inclusion and highlighting of dynamic areas.

Natural vegetation is included in order to strive to have as minimal ecological impact as possible upon the region and reduces maintenance costs along with a reduction in pollution and cost to the city.

Featuring existing water features will help to maintain or improve the permeability of the site as well as controlling runoff by employing water management techniques. Using water features (such as splash pads) to attract parents and children to the site and encourage further outdoor activity.

By the use of green roofs and green walls create pleasant natural aesthetics that add texture and various benefits. Decrease the amount of runoff and help with water management, while simultaneously aiding heating and cooling costs and increasing the biodiversity the area.

Preserve existing green spaces, creating new ones where they have been taken out completely, and expanding urban green spaces when they are few and far between. Creating small natural oases throughout the study are that allow for people to get back touch with nature and escape the built environment.

Create a sense of place with unique architecture that adds to the identity of the place and follows the architectural design of area. Utilize community aspects such as parks, multi-use facilities and other positive assets when designing urban green spaces. Focus on the expansion of connections within a community, reduce the isolation of areas and districts, and encourage the ‘melting pot’ community aspects. Promote community activity and engagement within redeveloped sites.

Paths that encourage use; ones that are friendly and inviting with their designs. Different paving materials should be incorporate into paths. Patterns, permeable surfaces, and other tools should be considered and utilized when designing paths within the site. Utilitarian designs should be discouraged in favor of unique aesthetic qualities.

Utilize existing open spaces within a site when developing areas within urban regions. Encourage the addition of open spaces to locations that are currently dominated by high density development. Providing a break from the built environment through the use of urban green space.

Paths and sidewalks that are designed with pedestrians in mind: sidewalks should be wide and inviting to users. They should be created with intermittent green spaces along with ways to break up the monotony of a straight linear path and be designed to establish a more interconnected community.

Reusing building materials from designated sites and utilizing the inherent energy that resides within materials. Understanding the waste from modern construction techniques and minimizing these aspects.

Site Locations

Corridor Park


Street Entrance and Screening

Corridor Park Playground and Open Space

Corridor Park Café

Site Locations

Bonn West Corridor

Café and Garden Center

Café Street View / Corridor West Entrance

Corridor Trails and Open Space

Corridor Birdseye

Corridor Plaza

Plaza Projector / Splash Pad

Plaza Street Corner

Retail and Dining 2nd Floor Courtyard



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