Diagnosing Holden By Ms. Fine


This is where you will write a paragraph introducing your project. Be sure to identify the title of the book, the author, and the year of publication. Summarize the main idea of the book. Summarize what you are diagnosing Holden with. Provide a five-part thesis statement (Qualification, topic, claim, universal idea, reasons). For example... In Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, Holden suffers from Depression exhibiting symptoms of irritability and suicidal thoughts.

First supporting Paragraph (Title this with the symptom you will be discussing)

This should be a well-written paragraph that identifies the first symptom you think Holden exhibits. Provide a cited piece of evidence from your research to prove that the symptom is actually part of the disorder. Provide a cited piece of evidence from Catcher in which Holden displays the symptom. Then provide analysis connecting Holden, the symptom, and the disorder. Don't forget to work a Membean word in here and put it in bold.

You can add a caption!

Second supporting Paragraph (Title this with the symptom you will be discussing)

This should be a well-written paragraph that identifies the second symptom you think Holden exhibits. Provide a cited piece of evidence from your research to prove that the symptom is actually part of the disorder. Provide a cited piece of evidence from Catcher in which Holden displays the symptom. Then provide analysis connecting Holden, the symptom, and the disorder. Don't forget to work a Membean word in here and put it in bold.


This should be a paragraph that summarizes the points you made above. Make sure you START with your rephrased thesis statement. Then, summarize the points you made above but do not introduce any new information or insight.

Work Cited

This should follow the rules of MLA citations. You should only have a citation for the book and a citation for the website. Do not forget to put parenthetical citations after your evidence in your paragraphs above as well.


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