Make an Earthquake-proof house Parshat vayeira

In parshah Vayeira we read that Hashem destroyed Sodom, which inspired us to learn about natural disasters, one being earthquakes. After studying earthquakes for our last activity (Seismograph) we learned how destructive it can be to the environment, which then led us onto man made structures and how they can be built to cope...

We decided to build different structures and then see how durable each was by placing it on sand in a tray and simulating an earthquake by shaking the tray. Before we conducted the experiment, we made a prediction of which structure had the best chance of surviving an earthquake...

We gathered a variety of materials and got to work building...
A rescue plane was thrown in for good measure!

We discussed the different variables that needed to be considered when constructing a building durable enough to survive a catastrophic earthquake and that the following factors contributed to the durability of a structure:

Distribution of weight

Variation in shape

Variation in height

Variation in foundation material

The miniature buildings were used to test these four factors.

Competition time:

Round 1:

Although it had more levels, the two story building remained standing after shaking the tray and therefore one this round as it had better distribution of weight and a sturdy, reinforced base.

Round 2:

Although super pretty, it was inevitable the twisty six storey building wouldn't withstand the earthquake!

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