WEB CAV Walk Thru training

  • CAV = Commercial Asset Visability.
  • Tool used for the Navy to track their assets.
  • Provides information about Assets, Part Numbers, Procurement, Repair Schedule, and Status.

Timely and Accurate CAV Reporting

  • CAV SOW requires transactions (receipt, condition code changes, shipments and proof of shipments) be reported by the end of the next regular business day after the occurrence of the reportable event.
  • CAV transactions feed into our ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system where we are highly dependent on and sensitive to the timely and accurate transactions from CAV to be compatible with ERP processing.


  • CAV Receipts close Stock in Transit (SIT) **Critical fields: DOCN, NIIN, Condition Code and Quantity
  • CAV Receipts can post credit for turn-ins.
  • Report the NIIN and quanitty you actually recieve, even if it doesnt match what is listed on the receipt paperwork.
  • **If there are any discrepancies use PDREP (Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program) to file SDRs (Supply Discrepancy Report) for NIIN, Quantity and Condition code discrepancies.


  • Contract Information is critical for Navy ERP processing.
  • Contract Number, Order Number, CLIN
  • Always enter the information, dont just select from drop down information
  • Invalid or Incorrect contract information can result in failed IDOCs (Intermediate Document) in ERPs which will require CAV corrections.
  • Over induction can cause planning problems.
  • Estimated Completion Dates (ECDs) are used for by the Buy/Repair Plan.

Await Parts/ Reinduction

  • Await parts (G-Condition) does not stop the RTAT clock
  • Estimated Completion Date should be edited on these entries to provide updated information to the ERP.


  • CLIN can change on completion
  • New NIIN field is used to report NIIN changes during the repair process
  • Do not use the new NIIN field to correct typo NIIN
  • Direct Ship sites will enter this transaction and then wait 24 hours to see if a requisition is received.


  • How the DD1438 is filled out determines how the shipment will process ...SIT or Bill
  • If filing a re-consignment instead of a shipping material to stock, be sure to change the ship to DODAAC, Shipment Document Number, and the associated Codes (Signal, Fund, etc). This information should be provided when you receive notification to redirect the assets. This could be from your contract, funding document, or a supply planner.


  • Bulk Shipments must be for the same NIIN, Condition Code, to the same Destination
  • A bulk shipment will generate one PickUp Directive for ATAC enabled sites so they must be assembled as one package (on a pallet, multiple items in one box etc..)
  • A copy of the CAV DD1348-1A should be placed INSIDE and OUTSIDE the box.
  • For ATAC enabled sites, the CAV shipment will pass to eRMS to generate the PickUp Directive (PUD); ATAC will provide shipping labels to email on file.
  • POC or Pickup DoDAAC changes should be sent to your CAV analyst to ensure everyone gets notified.

Proof of Shipment

  • Interfaces to Navy ERP and eRMS to ensure SIT records are charged to the proper site
  • ATAC transports material they are responsible for Proof of Shipment (POS)/ Proof of Delivery (POD)
  • ATAC enabled sites who ship without using the ATAC carrier must enter valid and complete POS in CAV.
  • Non-ATAC-enabled sites are responsible for valid and complete POS entry in CAV.


  • Reversing a receipt removes the RCDN from the active database; no further transactions can be reported on that RCDN. Use caution when reversing a receipt transaction.
  • Reversals are required to correct CAV entries so that they are passed to Navy ERP
  • While reversals are appropriate to make corrections, please take time to execute them as concisely as possible.
  • Multiple reversals and re-inputs on the same RCDN cause major processing problems in Navy ERP.


  • Repair Item Action Report - each RCDN displayed as its own record showing the info entered to date.
  • Repair History - each transaction displayed as its own record, shows user name of who entered each transaction, transactions pulled/passed to Navy ERP.
  • Conditions Count Report - overview of number of assets by NIIN and condition code, good for a quick review of your inventory posture.

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