Winter Bells Carving Linnea D.

This is my original sketch. I knew I wanted bells, but I felt that the space in them was a little empty. I looked at many images of bells for inspiration, and decided to use the one in the corner to base my design off of.

This is the next sketch when I was deciding which snowflake would be better to carve. I searched "Christmas bells with engravings" in google, and went to images for ideas.

I chose the snowflake in the right bell, and I chose to put a snowman in the other bell, but I didn't want the curve in the hat to carve the way it did, so I modified it.

This is the final design that I put into easel to modify. I made the snowman hat easier to carve, and I added a reflection of the left bell, and the right bow. I also made the snowflake easier to carve by making the little ends of the snowflake bigger.

After my modifications, this is what the easel app showed for how my carving would be, I pressed simulate to see which parts wouldn't carve.

The points in red, are the paths that the carving bit will take to carve, and since there were no points that wouldn't carve, I was ready to carve.

This is how my carving turned out, which was mostly according to the design except for the little dot by middle of the snowflake editions.

I had to adjust the clamps, so that they were on the edge of the tile, and they wouldn't carve the design onto the clamps. Once that was done, I pressed carve, and the process started.

The most difficult part was adjusting the snowflake so that when it carved, it wouldn't look odd. I balanced the positive and negative spaces by making the bells a reflection of each other.

This was a good project to start the year with, and hopefully it will get better from here.

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