Well, checking a block must be a tedious task WHY CAN'T THEY JUST TAKW MY MONEY AND LET ME PLAY MINECRAFT!!

I know we are the guinea pigs in this Minecraft Education experience because we are the first to do it in this class and that it should've been done a little differently at the start of the class, but come on Microsoft. I am literally asking you to take my (my generous parents actually) money! I just want to play Minecraft Education and complete the tasks that I need to. I won't let this bug me because there is only so much I can do and even Mr. Stuart because no one has had great directions on it. I love Minecraft but this is making me like it a little less. It's adding unneeded stress to me when this should be a fun twist on classwork. I know at some point it will work and that I will be able to play it so there is no need to make a huge deal about it.

A well-written paper is in the eye of the beholder

So the first Raid was graded or at least analyzed as I type this and I completely agree with the notes. It was well-written and had a video and talked of nostalgia and what-not, but here is the kicker: I left out a major part of the prompt. Well, not really. I mentioned failure in my essay about how I couldn't beat the boss (Doc Ock), but didn't explain or elaborate further. In my defense, we were asked to do this last minute so I'm pretty sure Mr. Stuart was expecting errors like this. I would never leave out a major part of the prompt if I wasn't asked to procrastinate. I breezed by high school English and won all the awards and was even said that I was the best writer my senior English teacher ever had, so I appreciate a burn. If someone get so full of himself and comfortable, then that is when danger arrives.


WE HAVE BEEN RESEARCHING SO MUCH! I know this is a research paper and it's a huge part of our grade but goodness, this is time-consuming. You literally have to research articles and sources and that give good research. It's like solving for x so you can solve for y. It's like going on a mission to find a treasure chest that contains your next mission. It's necessary but it can get a tad annoying. A big part of research is through the Clemson Library site that helps you find academic articles which is a real asset to this project. I also know citations can differ quite a bit with different info and sources and I am trying my best to do these right so hopefully there are no (or not a lot) of hiccups along the way pertaining to citations.

BARD CREATIVE PIECE-A song about research

Hey students, don't you worry too much

We are just gonna learn the basics and stuff

First you can use Wikipedia, well with noting a problem

Only use good sources located at the bottom

CHORUS: Sources, sources, for whatever you need

Make sure not to plagiarize or your teacher won't be please

It will actually be much worse, you could be expelled

Just for not following directions too well

Make sure they have great info or you'll be repetitive

Gotta have a diverse selection of sources if you wanna be competitive

Make sure the sources are reliable, in a number of ways

They may have citations themselves and be up to date

Don't be overwhelmed, it's all just learning

Think of it as a stepping stone to the degree you're earning



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