Holy People of the Middle Ages Kenna Ackman

The Great Schism

The Great Schism of 1054 was the split between the Eastern and Western Christian Churches

The Great Schism 2

The Great Schism was led by Pope Leo IX.

St. Dominic

St Dominic was a Spanish priest who lived from 1170 - 1221 and founder of the Dominican Order of friars and nuns.

St. Dominic 2

He founded an order that focused on getting out among the people and showing God's love.

St. Francis

St. Francis of Assisi Created an order where all members took a vow of poverty and worshiped God.

St. Francis 2

Spent nearly a year in prison—awaiting his father's payment—and, according to legend, began receiving visions from God.


Created with images by pasa47 - "St. Francis De Sales" • moedermens - "Saint Leo IX" • Jorge Lascar - "Entrance - Hagia Sophia" • kennejima - "St Dominic's Catholic Church" • Michael 1952 - "St Francis of Asissi" • Randy McRoberts - "St Francis Door"

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