The Holocaust By: Michelle Thao

The Death March was a time where the Nazis tried getting rid of all evidence of their crimes, the Holocaust. To do so, they decided to kill all Jews and witnesses, leading to the Death March.

- the death march

The Jews were forced into labor or were sent to be killed. They were sent to concentration camps for the following.

- concentration camps

The Holocaust was a genocide and an annihilation. Germans and Nazis tried killing all existing Jews.

- mass killing of Jews (annihilation/genocide)

A survivor of the Holocaust lived to tell their experience of what they went through during that time as a Jew. She is known to be Gerda Weismann Klein. She had overcome many adversities throughout her experience.

- the survivor, Gerda Weissmann Klein, lived to tell her story.
Created By
Michelle Thao


Created with images by JordanHoliday - "star of david judaism grid" • Archives New Zealand - "NZ Prime Minister William Massey addressing New Zealand machine gunners at Bois-De-Warnimont, France, June 1918" • tsaiproject - "Arbeit Macht Frei" • Jorge Lascar - "Striking picture from the underground exhibit - Holocaust Memorial"

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