Nursing over decades Ella Chalmers

Nursing has been evident since the first person was ever hurt. However, nursing is a formalized, organized occupation that first took place in 1854 where a group of 38 people volunteered to help the injured victims in the Crimean war. Without nursing we would not have anyone to care for the sick, injured etc.

he industry has changed dramatically over the past 100 years. In the early days women gained medical skills and practices from their mothers and from the wise women of their community. Although training was not necessary let alone offered to them in 1854 (Ranard, 2015).

Nursing for women was not anything new to them, it was more of an extension from what their roles and jobs were at home.

Looking after the sick

The practices and skills used in the early days are very different compared to what we use now. Some of these skills used in the past were:

  1. Bathing febrile children in alcohol
  2. Resterilizing urinary syringes
  3. Shave preps before surgery
  4. Shaking mercurial thermometers (NurseBuff, 2015).
Advanced Technology

Since new and improved cultural shifts, policy adjustments and technology advances we have come up with better ways to improve the healthcare environment. The industry is still continuing to evolve and improve patient care for everyone

Today qualifications for Nurses are more in demanding and specific and have specialization. They provide broad training programs and better hospitals to suit the working environment. Over the past 50 years, The industry has grown and expanded almost beyond recognition and will continue to do so (Wilbert, 2015).


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