
Hominy Valley Kinderjets! 2018-2019

Hominy Valley Mission

Hominy Valley Elementary’s mission is to provide students a safe environment that fosters acceptance and risk-taking while embracing cultural diversities. Instruction will be engaging and challenging, incorporating appropriate technology, while accommodating each learning style in a manner that helps each child achieve personal success in preparation for school and life endeavors. Encouragement of community and parental involvement will be a driving force behind high student attendance and students’ motivation for learning.

Welcome Kinderjet Families

This is my first year teaching at Hominy Valley Elementary! Guiding little minds through education is an incredible responsibility that I look forward to taking on each year, while partnering with my students' families to ensure individual success. While scrolling through my page you will find information about our school and classroom. Kindergarten is my happy place!

Mrs. Ebding

Please feel free to contact me through email, or notes in your child's agenda. If it is an emergency please call the office. I am unable to answer phone calls during active learning hours. I will try my best to respond within the next day.

email: amanda.ebding@bcsemail.org phone: 828-665-0619

B.S. Birth to Kindergarten Education

My Family

We love to travel...

...hike through the mountains...

...go to church...

...and just spend time together.


A SPORT is what we want to be. Being SAFE is best for you and me. A POSITIVE attitude is our way. Staying ON TASK as we work and play. Showing RESPECT keeps us standing tall. TEAM players help to do it all!

Class Rules

Always try your best!

Follow directions quickly!

Be respectful of everyone!

Make safe choices!

Be helpful and responsible!

Listen to the speaker!

Important Info

Your child will be expected to have an agenda book this year. These can be purchased from the office for $5.00. We will use this as a daily communication tool between home and school for bus/car/after school changes, discipline information, sick notes and other information as needed. Please feel free to write notes or any information you feel is important for us to know in the agenda. These agenda books are checked daily by us and it is essential that you check the agenda every night for important information. Also please sign so I know you have checked the agenda each day.

Going Green

Buncombe County School is trying to go Green by greatly reducing the amount of paper we use. Please be sure I have a current email address for you. Please check email often to keep uo to date with daily classroom activities. If you do not have access to the internet, please let me know so that other arrangements can be made.


Please make it very clear to me and your child how he/she is getting home in the afternoons. In your child's agenda book there will be a space where you can communicate this information from home to school daily. All changes in transportation MUST be written. If you need to write a note every day to let me know the mode of transportation your child is using for that day, please do. Also if your child will be picked up by someone else or going home with another student, please write a note on a separate piece of paper because this note MUST be sent to the office. Our school will not accept phone calls or emails to change a child's afternoon transportation. You must let the teacher know through a note in the morning or physically come by the school to make any changes. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. *Students will be marked tardy at 7:30am.


If your child has a fever of 99.9 or more, he/she may not come to school until he/she has been FEVER FREE, WITHOUT MEDICATION, FOR 24HRS. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Lunch money can be paid daily, weekly, or monthly. You may pay with cash or check made payable to Hominy Valley Elementary School. You may also pay online at www.K12paymentcenter.com. Please see Hominy Valley Student Handbook for cafeteria prices and policies. BREAKFAST IS FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS.


If you would like to send in a special snack on your child's birthday please feel free to do so. Should any dietary concerns arise, prior arrangements may need to be made.

Collecting Money

*SNACK~ We will be collecting $5.00 per month to cover snack and and one time activity fee of $10.00. If you wish you may pay for the entire school year ($50), or make two payments of $25. We really appreciate your payments and this enables every child to have a healthy snack each day.

*Scholastic News~ We will also be subscribing as a class to Scholastic News. This will cost $6.48 for a year long subscription. These materials will be used in class and sent home for your enjoyment.

*T-Shirt~ We will be collecting $5.00 for a field trip t-shirt. We will keep these at school until the end of the school year.

*Be sure that when you send money to school for lunch, field trips, snack, etc., that you send it clearly labeled inside an envelope/baggie with name, amount, and purpose.

Popcorn Words

"Popcorn words" are words your child will see frequently used in books also known as "sight words." They just seem to pop up everywhere. Please practice these words daily. You can have fun helping your child learn these words through activities like these: Spot the word~look through any printed material for the popcorn words, Rainbow write~ have your child trace over the words using different colors on top of the other a few times, Name that word~ trace the words on your child's back and have them guess the word/have your child trace a word on your back and you guess, Play-doh~ make the words out of play-doh, etc. Please share other fun ways you have practiced popcorn words with your child. I would love to hear them and share with other families.

Night Readers

Night readers are books sent home with your child to be read every night. Please fill out your child’s reading log to acknowledge you read with your child.


• Provide enjoyable experiences with books.

• Time together with family members.

• Teaches responsibility for doing homework and for getting the agenda to and from school.

• More reading means better readers. We do not want reading homework to be a bother or struggle for you or your child. Reading time should not be a suffering or frustrating time. In order for reading to become a livelong pleasurable habit, it needs to be enjoyable (especially for beginning readers). We will try to be sure the night reader your child brings home is one he/she can handle with a minimum amount of help. However, if the book is too difficult, here are some ways you can support your child as a beginning reader to prevent any frustration from all participants and reading remains an enjoyable experience.

• Echo reading-you read a page and your child reads the page after you

• You read the book to your child.

• Let your child try to read the entire book back to you. At first your child will be memorizing all or parts of the book. Please say he/she is reading! This truly is the first stage of reading. The more interested you are, the better your child will become at reading. Questions to ask after reading a book (not all apply for all books)

• Who are the characters?

• Setting: Where did this story take place?

• Beginning: What happened in the beginning of the story?

• Middle: What happened in the middle of the story?

• End: What happened at the end of the story?

• Mood: Were the characters sad? Scared? Happy? Angry? Surprised?

• Does this book relate to anything in your life? Does it remind you of something you’ve done before?

• What was the author’s purpose? Was it to entertain you? Explain? Persuade? Inform? Or to express feelings?

• What type of book was it? Was it a make believe book-fiction? Non-fiction? Poetry?

Ready, Set, Read!


Created with images by Qearl Hu - "Breakfast" • Georgia Vagim - "Night at The Movies" • Samueles - "reading little girl book"

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