Indian Ocean tsunami By : Alya al ameri 6c

On December 26 a tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean.

It was a result of the indo Australian plate subduction below the Eurasian plate

It was caused by an earthquake measuring more than a magnitude. The earthquake caused the sea floor to uplift , displacing the sea water above

In open Ocean the tsunami measured less than 1 meter high . The tsunami travelled at the speed up to 800km per hour .

When the tsunami hit the shores , the Height of the wave increased by 15 meters in some areas

Main impacts

A quarter of a million people died

Two million people were left homeless.

People were swept away in the waters which arrived rapidly without warning

Thirteen countries were effected the worst being Indonesia

Indonesia was hit by the tsunami first after forty five minutes later the tsunami reached Thailand.

And many more major impact .

Did you know

The Indian Ocean tsunami traveled as far as 3,000 miles to Africa and still arrived with sufficient force to kill people and destroy property.

Many people in Indonesia reported that they saw animals fleeing arrived and a very few amount of body were found afterwords.

Map of Indian Ocean


Created with images by Chill Mimi - "Tsunami" • luisda75 - "waves tube surf" • Floortje Walraven - "Giant wave" • jurvetson - "Kona Village"

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