National 4-H Day July 16th

I would make 4-H a national day because I think people who spend all there hard work on there projects should be able to represent themselves in another way.
I would represent National 4-H Day on July 16th because that is usually around the time that my fair starts and the first day of fair should be how people got ready and what they did to get ready for the fair.
National 4-H Day should also be a day where we should tell people that 4-H is not just about winning it is more about having fun and having a good showmanship.
I would celebrate this day with anyone who is currently in 4-H, anyone who was a past memeber, or people who wanted to learn more about 4-H and join.
National 4-H Day should also be a day where we would encourage others to join this fun community of people and see if 4-H has anything that they are interested in.
On this National 4-H Day I would make it where people would help others if they needed help and be hands on while helping.
On this day we would also take time to help others if they where just starting a project that you had and they needed help. We would also get to learn more about others projects that we are interested in.

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