Climate Change By Johnny Dahlem

Part 1

Climate change is a global challenge that will have massive impacts on our world if it is ignored. Climate change is defined as "a change in global or regional climate patterns." It is primarily caused by human activity and is constantly becoming a bigger problem.

Global Warming

Google defines global warming as "a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere." The temperature gets hotter because of the green house effect. The green house effect is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

High levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere are caused by cars, airplanes, and the use of fossil fuels. This is a graph that supports the greenhouse effect.

CO2 is emitted from the use of fossil fuels. This is why the CO2 concentration is rapidly increasing. The more fossil fuels we burn, the higher the temperature goes.

97% of all scientist believe in global warming. This chart helps prove their points, showing the ten hottest years on record.

This graph shows how our planet's surface temerature is constantly going up.

Rising Sea Levels

Water levels are rising because of thermal expansion caused by the ocean's increase in temperature (water expands when it heats up). They are also rising because of melting glaciers. These two factors are caused by global warming (as talked about above).

This chart shows how much the sea level has been rising throughout the years.

The sea levels rise higher every year. Every year our carbon emissions heat up the earth and cause this increase in water levels.

More Natural Disasters

Climate change and global warming have drastically changed weather patterns around the world. Since the 1960's, the number of weather related natural disasters has tripled. The changes in weather have caused natural disasters to be more frequent and intense.

This chart shows the increase in natural disasters as time goes on. These are caused by the rising water levels from global warming. Floods and storms have continued to increase in frequency.

Part 2: Consequences

"Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress." -World Health Organization

This chart shows the current deaths caused global warming and the estimated deaths in the future.


This picture shows the effect of global warming on the ice caps and the predicted size in the future.

If this estimation is ignored, we could cause the extinction of many species. The sea ice has declined at about 13% per decade because of global warming. If this continues, the species living is this environment will become extinct.

This chart shows the number of deaths from natural disaster caused by climate change. The frequency of natural disasters has gone up and will continue to go up if we keep polluting our planet. This shows the deaths and increasing rate of deaths from natural disasters.

Part 3: Bangladesh

This shows the countries most at risk from climate change. Number one on the list is Bangladesh.

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