I took this photo for leading lines, to take this photo i was at the bottom of the stairs while she was at the top posing for the picture.
This was used for the grunge effect but this was before the editing process. My friend sat a few steps above me while posing for the photo to get emotion.
This photo was for the photo challenge framing, this was on a structure in the court yard i stood on one side while she was sitting on the other.
This for color explosion, to take this photo i crushed some m&m's with a rock then had my friend step on them while i was laying on the ground to take the photo.
This photo was taken for diagonals, i had my friend do some dance move while i sat on the ground taking photos of him.

I make my art to inspire people and them happy, i believe what inspires me to make art is just making happy, seeing people smile and understand my photos. Art represents the more emotional side to me because i get really into taking the photo. I make my photos special because i try to take them from a different point of view and not the first way you'd look at it. Art is like a way to express myself in different ways.

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