Glenpool Public Schools Bond issue 2017

The State of Glenpool District School Finances

State Budget Deficit

2014-2015 $611,000,000.00

2015-2016 $1,300,000,000.00

2016-2017 $886,000,000.00

What do these reductions look like for our school?

Negative $308,000.00

We can expect a 5% - 7% cut for Common Education during the 2016-2017 school term.

Negative $500,000.00 - $700,000.00

And, we expect additional cuts over the next two years.

ADM For Classification (OSSAA)

5 A and 6 A School Districts

District Growth Trends

A bond issue committee, consisting of teachers, administrators, Board members, and community members has been meeting over the past year to discuss and plan for the upcoming issue. On March 7, district voters will be asked to vote on two issues totaling $16,500,000 for Glenpool Public Schools with a slight increase in property taxes.

Issue #1 will focus on the following school needs:

Land will be purchased for the construction of a new elementary school with a safe room for preschool and kindergarten students.

The TCC building in Glenpool will be purchased for the use of classrooms and school offices.

New high school classrooms will be constructed in the Varsity Building.

The cafeteria and kitchen facilities at the middle school will be remodeled.

Necessary furniture, fixtures, and equipment will be purchased for use district-wide.

Safety and security improvements will be made throughout the district.

A food service truck will be purchased to transport food from the kitchens to student cafeterias.

Maintenance improvements such as roof repairs, HVAC replacements, and parking lot improvements will be made at all school sites.

Purchase of technology equipment and student devices will be made increasing access across the entire district.

Fine arts uniforms and equipment will purchased.

Bond Issue #2: The purchase of four new school buses.

Impact on Taxes

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