Mykala Reynolds Aspiring Wanderer Seeking Adventure

All my life I have loved but also feared the unknown. I love it because no one has any idea of what will or even what can happen. It is for that same reason that I fear it. I was raised in a small town, but always chased big city dreams, because there is just something about the hustle and bustle of a big city and all the stories that are there and yet, they are unknown and untold. This is what has made me want to have a profession that allows me to tell stories. I have always loved the fact that there are so many people that have so many wonderful and rich stories that you may never know. This can be seen in even the simplest of trips to the grocery store. It amazes me how many people are on this Earth and how little we really know about others. This is why I don't have what I would call "typical" aspirations. When I look at my life in the future I only see three things: a family, a well-cultured and broadened perspective, and adventure. That's all I want in my life. I want to travel the world and experience the people and the untold stories they have, and have a little adventure in doing so. As for family, I want people around me to experience these things with; it would be boring to do it alone. I obviously understand that there comes a point when you have children that the thrill-seeking adventurist has to remain idle. But I want to have these experiences to share with my kids to inspire these same perspectives I want in them.

Because I am currently just a college student, I have not gotten to travel much and get the experiences I want. So for right now, I am content with being a Sophomore double majoring in Mass Communications, with a concentration in Advertising and Public Relations, and Communication Studies. I am satisfied with how hard I have worked throughout my life to get to where I am now. I recently obtained an internship position for the Marketing Communications Department at Eastman Chemical Company, and I absolutely love it. The job is thrilling and has deepened my love for what I am working to get a degree in. It has also allowed me to meet many new people from all different walks of life, and will, hopefully, one day give me the opportunity to meet more.

As you can probably see, these are all pictures of Paris. This is for a few reasons. Like most people who grow up watching the old films of the 40s and 50s I longed for that wonderful romance that is only achieved in movies (seriously that does not happen in real life), and there are really only two places those romances can be achieved in: New York City and Paris. So, obviously, I have been obsessed with these cities for as long as I can remember. These cities were always bustling with so many people and so many things going on. They made me be fascinated in the fast-paced lifestyle. I think this is what led me to wanting a career path that is always exciting and has something new around every corner. For me, advertising and public relations offer this, because you never really know what is going to happen; it is unknown.

The other reason I chose to showcase Paris is because I was lucky enough to visit this amazing city this past summer. It was an enriching experience and absolutely wonderful. I loved every second of it. It allowed me to see another culture and other perspectives. It also furthered my desire to travel and showed me that my dreams and goals that I had held dear my whole life were worth extreme merit. It was an incredible adventure and I think about it every day.

This picture in the background is actually a picture I took on our very first day in Paris. It is by far my favorite picture from that trip.

Here are some pictures that I took while I was in that wonderful city; Paris.


Created with images by Stig Nygaard - "Paris" • Moyan_Brenn - "Paris" • Moyan_Brenn - "Paris" • pedrosimoes7 - "Paris Metro"

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