New U.S.S.R. Safety is number one priority

We will read memes and do science.

1. no murder

2. no stealing

3. no stealing meme ideas

4. no nuclear bombs

5. be subscribed to crazy Russian hacker

6.must like crazy Russian hackers videos

7. must comment on crazy Russian hackers videos

8. don't follow rule 9

9. follow rule 8 the bee movies every day

We will be located in Ashville North Carolina

10:30 wake up and have cereal or something

10:30-1:30 free time

1:30 g fuel brake

2:00 youtube

9:00 dinner

10:00 bee movie

12:00 memes

2:00 go to sleep

government would be Theocracy so we crazy Russian hacker could rule and we could worship him

People would want to live here so they could watch youtube and memes all day

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