Russia Dawson Hummel and Ryan Maloney

1. Russia was founded in the 12th Century. In the 19th century, The Revolution of 1905 contributed to many reforms and a parliament. Russia became communist under the rule of Vladimir Lenin while heĀ formed the USSR. Josef Stalin increased the power of communism after the rule of Lenin. Eventually the USSR was split into Russia 14 independent republics. Russia eventually shifted towards and centralized authoritarian state under their current leader Vladimir Putin.

2. Population and world ranking: 142,355,415, 78

3. Economy/GDP world Ranking: market-based system, statist economy with high concentration of wealth in the officials' hands, 7

4. Unemployment rate and world ranking: 8.2%, 93

5. Main Industries: coal, oil, gas, chemicals, and metals, all forms of machine building, andĀ defense industries (including radar and missile production).

6. Government Type: Semi-Presidential Federation- The country is run by a president who runs alongside a prime minister. The latter two is responsible for the legislature.

7. Capitol: Moscow

8. Administrative Divisions: 46 provinces (oblastey, singular - oblast), 21 republics (respublik, singular - respublika), 4 autonomous okrugs (avtonomnykh okrugov, singular - avtonomnyy okrug), 9 krays (krayev, singular - kray), 2 federal cities (goroda, singular - gorod), and 1 autonomous oblast (avtonomnaya oblast')

9. Independence: Russia gained their independence from the Soviet Union on August 24th 1991

10. Information about their constitution: Their were several previous constitutions but the latest was drafted on July 12th 1993, and became effective on December 25th 1993.

11. Legal System: Russia has a civil law system which is where A body of rules that delineate private rights and remedies, and govern disputes between individuals in such areas as contracts, property, and Family Law

12. Suffrage: 18 years old

13. Executive Branch:

a.) Chief of State: President Vladimir Putin (since May 7th 2012)

b.) Cabinet: The head of government is Dmitry Medvedev, there are 32 ministers in the in the cabinet. Medvedev was appointed as the Prime Minister of Russia, the State Duma (Russian Parliament) voted in favor to appoint Medvedev. Terms last for 5 years

14. Legislative Branch:

a.) bicameral Federal Assembly

b.) There are 166 seats; 2 members in each of the 83 federal administrative units) These members are appointed by the top executive and legislative officials. Members serve 4 year terms. There are 450 seats in the State Duma the voting is mixed where a half are elected by simple majority and the other half are directly elected by proportional representation vote. Members serve 5 year terms

15. Judicial Branch

a.) The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation consist of 170 members, they are divided in the Judicial Panel for Civil Affairs, the Judicial Panel for Criminal Affairs, and the Military Panel). There is also the Constitutional Court which consist of 19 members

b.) All members are nominated by the president and appointed by the Federation Council (upper house of legislature). All members are appointed for life.

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