The Lost City of Petra BY:chace e. jones

Petra is a big tourist attraction where people are aloud to go inside and look at all the treasures of the old Greek kingdom.
Petra is an old Greek kingdom that was carved in the city of Jordan and is even popular for having Indiana Jones & Lost Crusader shot at Petra.
"Petra" actually means "rock" in Greek and the city of Petra was completely carved in the side of a great canyon. The only way to get to the city is through the giant canyon.
The actual name of the city is "Rose City" because of the blood red sandstone cliffs around the place. When Petra was rediscovered by the founder in the 1800's, Petra was nicknamed "The Lost City" because it has been hidden for hundreds of years.
Johann Ludwig Burckhardt was the person who originally found Petra in the 1800's
Back in the Greek times when people still lived in "Rose City" the people had a male deity named Dushara.


Created with images by skeeze - "petra jordan historical archaeological"

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