How the Epiphany is celebrated in Spain Jamie hogan january 13, 2017


Día de los Reyes is the most important holiday celebrated across Latin America. Día de los Reyes translates into the Three Wise Men Day.

The Three Wise Men are the men that followed the North Star to meet the new King, Baby Jesus.

During this time all the kids in Spain write letters to the Three Kings or their favorite King. They write about gifts they would like to recieve on the holiday, which is celebrated on January 6th.

The Three Kings arrive on camels and listen to the kids' requests after they celebrate a spectacular parade.

On January 5th the children leave their shoes next to their door so the Three Kings will know how many kids live there. The kids leave food and drinks for the Kings and a glass of water for the camels.

The next morning, the children wake up to loads of presents and the food and drinks are gone that they left for the Three Kings


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Created with images by Klearchos Kapoutsis - "Epiphany" • Efraimstochter - "spain flag flutter" • dominique Bernardini - "church" • JerzyGorecki - "crib dominicans christmas" • Randy Son Of Robert - "We Three Kings" • 683440 - "merry christmas nativity scene baby jesus"

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