Victoria Daiyan,emma,kaleyah

Some famous landforms


Melbourne enjoys warm summers, glorious springs, mild autumns and crisp winters.

With its variable climate, Melbourne hots up December to February (summer), cools down March to May (autumn), chills out June to August (winter), and warms up again September to November (spring).

Melbourne's top temperatures are usually in January and February. Those months are often dry, with hot spells and cooling afternoon breezes off Port Phillip Bay. June and July are the coldest months, and October is the wettest.

Annual average rainfall for Melbourne is around 650mm − less wet than Sydney.



Native vegetation is not just a home for animals, it provides a whole range of services to our communities including clean water, protec ng soils, storing carbon, helping with pollina on and providing people with inspira on and interest in the landscape. Various studies have inden ed that these services are wortgh many millions of dollars.

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