Chapter 4


California has battled a long, intense drought for years. This heavy stream of water took many days to make
All it took was seconds for this tree to be forever taken off from its standing position and set to its new, diagonal rest.
Another example of something that took days to make. The rusty and old look of this subject is the result of many long days in the harsh conditions of the outside.
This hike both took hours to make and had minutes that made a difference. The hike itself took hours and at points was uncomfortable, but also contained minutes of beauty such as this one, with great and breathtaking views.


Cropped Version: Straightens and puts more focus on the Golden State Bridge
Cropped: Changed the slant of the image and put more focus on the street ahead.
While the original was already a very good picture, this version puts more focus on the subjects and incorporates the rule of thirds


This is a photo of my dog I took earlier this semester. My dog appears fairly blurry, and the colors in the image are not very striking. I love my dog very much, and spend a lot of time with her, so I thought it appropriate to re shoot her in better fashion with my improved photography skills.
Much better color and no blurriness. For this one I went for a close up face shot of my dog
Again, much clearer picture with more striking colors.
This time my dog is in (very) fast motion. However, she still appears clear.


Rebirth: For my thematic, I choose rebirth as my theme. My pictures were based upon nature and green of the LG trail, representing the rebirth of california as it has been escaping its horrific drought. This next year for me will also be characterized by rebirth, as I will most likely change as a person and evolve as I move into college.

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