Tate's Portfolio Media Arts 2016-2017

This is my Threshold design I did in 7th grade. It features Zach Remilliard who was blended with an article about him.
This was my Spot Color design featuring Dak Prescott. I made Dak his team colors and I made everything else black and white.
This is a logo I designed for Waves of the Future. I used the rotary logo to take place of the "O". Then I flipped the wave image. I used the flip tool to do that. The rotary logo was required.
This is my personal logo that I designed. It has my initials and a home plate around it.

The next three designs you will see are my identity package designs. All of them have my logo in it.

This is my envelope.
This is my letterhead.
This is my business card.
This is a design where I used hue and saturation. I changed the color of all of the objects.
This is another design where I used hue and saturation. Each box represents a different color theory.
This is a billboard that I made. I used the free transform tool to move stuff around.
This is my can design. It is called Blue Horse. I got the BH logo offline but changed it around. and used a dingbat typeface.
This is my doodle for Google design. I kept the same theme throughout it. I used a dolphin for part of the "G". I also used fish to represent the "E".

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