Radians Grade 12 Math

What is a Radian?

The Unit Circle and Special Triangles

This background is an example of a special triangle in the unit circle. Although this is a special triangle in the unit circle it has an angle in degrees. Scroll down to learn how to convert degrees into radians.

In order to convert 130 degrees to radians you must.....

In order to convert 1.2π radians to degrees you must....


Convert the equations below into radians

A) 145 degrees B) 310 degrees C) 170 degrees D) 290 degrees

Convert the equations below Into radians

A) 4 rad B) 3 rad C) 1.3 rad D) 2.7 rad

Please log on to student.desmos.com and type in the password "sq2x,"to continue your learning on radians!

Created By
Kab Kitt

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